Marriage Ministry
"Our goal is to develop a culture of growing marriages that are declaring the greatness of God."

Shawn & Audrey Gibbs
Ministry Leaders
Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.
Praying Team
Leaders: Mason & Liz Saffels and Jennifer Funderburk
Focuses on daily, intention prayer for Heart of Life marriages and for the marriage ministry.
Preparing Team
Leaders: Wayne & Susan Close
Focuses on relationship-building, decision-making, and providing resources for those who are dating, engaged, or considering marriage.
Establishing Team
Leaders: Damon & Dawn Cox
Focuses on providing encouragement and support for couples during their early years of marriage.
Enriching Team
Leaders: Steve & Penny Sage
Focuses on providing ongoing marriage-centered opportunities for couples in all stages of marriage.
Restoring Team
Leaders: Eric & Sierra Walker
Focuses on connecting with a couple when marriage is in distress, aiming to help with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and restoration.
To get connected with one of these teams contact Shawn